Life often feels like a Tough Mudder race – filled with challenging obstacles that test our strength, stamina, and mental grit. While we might wish for a smooth, elegant journey, the reality is usually far more chaotic and stressful. In these moments, we’re not just running a race; we’re enduring challenges and overcoming obstacles that threaten to hold us back from living the life God intends for us.

One of the most formidable obstacles we face is the unknown. It’s a universal experience – if you’re not navigating it now, you either just finished or will soon face it again. The story of Abraham, the original navigator of the unknown, offers profound insights on how to overcome this obstacle.

1. Obey God’s Directives Without Directions

In Genesis 12, God calls Abraham to leave everything familiar – his country, his people, and his father’s household – and go to an unknown land. The remarkable part? Abraham went, without knowing where he was going. This wasn’t just a slight adjustment to his plans; it was a complete abandonment of security and comfort.

For many of us, this level of obedience seems radical. We often view it as something reserved for spiritual giants, not everyday believers. However, this is the baseline standard of obedience God expects. He doesn’t give complicated suggestions for us to consider; He gives simple commands for us to obey.

When facing the unknown, we must ask ourselves: What did God say? Not what we wish He said or what we want Him to say, but what He actually said. Whether it’s about relationships, career, or finances, our task is to obey, even without clear directions.

2. Believe God’s Promises Without Proof

In Genesis 15, God promises Abraham that his descendants will be as numerous as the stars. Despite being childless and well past the age of having children, Abraham believed God. This faith was credited to him as righteousness.

However, believing God’s promises doesn’t fast-track their fulfillment. In fact, it often leads to more obstacles. Sarah tried to take matters into her own hands, leading to complications. There were moments of doubt, negotiation with God, and even questionable decisions like Abraham passing off his wife as his sister to protect himself.

Believing without proof isn’t a shortcut; it’s a crucial part of the journey that often involves more challenges. Time has a way of making room for doubt, but our task is to hold onto faith even when circumstances seem to contradict God’s promises.

3. Trust God’s Sovereignty Without Surety

After 25 years of waiting, Abraham and Sarah finally had their promised son, Isaac. But the story doesn’t end there. In a shocking turn of events, God asks Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. This wasn’t a newborn Isaac, but a young man old enough to carry wood up a mountain.

Abraham’s willingness to obey, even to the point of sacrificing his long-awaited son, demonstrates an extraordinary trust in God’s sovereignty. He had no guarantee of how things would turn out, yet he trusted. At the last moment, God provided a ram as a substitute, showing that He honors those who trust Him completely.

This part of Abraham’s story challenges us to trust God’s sovereignty even when we can’t see how things will work out. The key question we must ask ourselves is: Has God failed me yet? The answer, if we’re following in obedience, is always no. God doesn’t run races He doesn’t win; He only runs to get the prize.

Climbing the Mountain of Faith

Life’s challenges can often feel like climbing a four-story obstacle called the Mudder Horn. As we start our ascent in obedience to God’s call, He continues to bless and protect us. But as we climb higher, things get more challenging. This is where our faith is truly tested.

The crucial lesson from Abraham’s story is that provision comes on the mountain, not after it or below it. Genesis 22:14 tells us that Abraham named the place of his great test “The Lord Will Provide.” It wasn’t at the base or on the other side of the mountain, but on the mountain itself.

This truth applies to all areas of our lives:

– For those who are single and searching, obey the Lord, believe His promises, and trust His timing.
– For those confused about their career path, obey His guidance, believe in His plan, and trust His provision.
– For those facing financial frustrations, obey His principles, believe in His abundance, and trust His care.

Life is full of obstacles and unknowns, but we can be certain of one thing: God is behind us, for us, and He has never failed us. He never will.

As we face our own mountains of the unknown, let’s remember Abraham’s example. Let’s obey even without clear directions, believe even without tangible proof, and trust even without absolute surety. For it’s in these moments of faith that we truly experience God’s provision and presence.

Our challenge is not to wait for the promise before we obey, or for the provision before we trust. Instead, we’re called to step out in faith, knowing that as we climb our mountains of uncertainty, we’ll discover that the Lord indeed provides – right there on the mountain.

In whatever unknown you’re facing today, take heart. The God who guided Abraham is the same God who walks with you. He sees your struggles, knows your doubts, and is ready to meet you on your mountain. All He asks is that you take that first step of faith. Are you ready to climb?

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