Join us as we embark on an inspiring journey through the scriptures, exploring the importance of understanding the full character and nature of God. In this message, Pastor Tyler Tullos shares personal anecdotes, including nostalgic stories from his childhood visits to Piccadilly, to illustrate how selectively choosing parts of God’s word—like picking favorites in a buffet line—can lead to an incomplete and sometimes dangerous understanding of theology.

🗣️ *Memorable Quotes:*
“The happiness that God has for you is not found in the happenings that you experience. The happiness that you experience with God … is found in your obedience to the word of God.”

“In the essentials, we have unity. In the non-essentials, we have liberty. And in everything, we must show charity.”

“How are you going to be a follower of Jesus if you don’t know who you’re following? How are you going to be a worshiper of Jesus if you don’t know who you’re worshiping?”

“Knowing theology actually allows us to know Jesus, and knowing theology allows Jesus to know you.”

🙌 *Main Takeaways:*
*Avoiding “Piccadilly Theology”:* Don’t pick and choose the parts of the Bible that only make you feel good. Understand the full scope of God’s word.

*The Essentials and Non-Essentials:* Understand the difference between major doctrines (essentials) that require unity and minor doctrines (non-essentials) where we can have liberty.

*Danger of Bad Theology:* Misinterpreted or incomplete theology can lead to harmful beliefs and practices.

*Nature and Character of God:* Understanding theology means knowing God in His fullness—His love, justice, mercy, and more.

*Application of Theology:* Knowing theology isn’t just intellectual; it transforms our worship and our lives.

🌟 *Key Scriptures:*
– 2 Timothy 3
– John 17:3
– Romans 12:2

🔑 *Keywords:*
– Biblical Theology
– Major and Minor Doctrines
– God’s Nature and Character
– Systematic Theology
– False Teachings
– Christian Unity
– Spiritual Growth

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