Welcome to Story Heights Church’s latest sermon series, Above All Names! Today’s sermon is all about diving deep into the powerful name of God—Yahweh. Pastor In Exodus 3, God reveals Himself to Moses as “I AM,” a profound declaration of His eternal presence and faithfulness. Join us as we uncover the timeless truths about Yahweh, the “I AM,” who is both eternal and unchanging.

Pastor Ali Engstrand guides us as we unpack what it means for Yahweh to be our God today. This isn’t just ancient history; it’s about experiencing His real and tangible presence in our lives right now. Whether you’re seeking answers, deepening your faith, or simply curious about who God is, this message is for you. Discover how Yahweh reveals Himself as a personal God passionately pursuing a relationship with us, regardless of our circumstances. Learn the importance of names in biblical times and how understanding God’s names can transform your faith journey, making God more than just a distant figure in a theology book.

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Come along on this journey of discovery with Story Heights Church, where we’re exploring the profound truths of Yahweh—the name above all names.

Whether you are a new believer or have been walking with Christ for years, this sermon offers insights that will deepen your understanding of who God truly is and how He is intimately involved in every aspect of your life. Join us for an inspiring journey to make Yahweh your favored name and experience the presence of a God who is with you in both the mundane and the marvelous.


📖Scripture References:

– Exodus 3
– Psalm 75:1
– Philippians 3:10
– Isaiah 43
– Proverbs 6
– John 8

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