Welcome to our Above All Names series! In today’s sermon, Pastor Lester dives deep into the powerful name Jehovah Jireh, which means “The Lord Will Provide.” Join us as we explore the incredible journey of Abraham, his unwavering faith, and how God’s provision is always timely and perfect.

🌟 *Key Points:*
1. *Hear His Word* – Understanding God’s promises and building trust through His Word.
2. *Boldly Declare His Word* – Declaring God’s promises over our lives and situations.
3. *Surrender to His Word* – Fully trusting and surrendering to God’s plan and provision.

📖 *Scripture References:*
– Genesis 12:1-3
– Genesis 22:5-14
– Isaiah 55:11
– Romans 4:18

✨ *Memorable Quotes:*
– “There is always a ram in the thicket.”
– “God always provides. He is Jehovah Jireh.”

🙌 *Takeaway:*
Discover the peace and assurance that comes from knowing God as Jehovah Jireh, our ultimate provider. Whether you’re facing financial challenges, health issues, or any personal struggle, be reminded that God’s provision is unwavering and always on time.

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